Friday, August 31, 2018

LEA23 - The Gates of Oria - Tahiti Rae

DATE: Sept. 2nd
ARTIST: Tahiti Rae
Fantasy ... can be such a risk
such a deep mystery
and profoundly
the strongest certainty
ever known
They say it takes 300 years for an oak tree to grow.
300 years for it to live.
And 300 years for it to die.

Perhaps our fantasy love took 300 years to grow.
An eternity to live.
And never dies.

Maybe .. it's real.

~ Tah


Where does your "fantasy" love exist?  Travel through portals under each Oria Gate on the ground to your imagination - I mean to emotional fantasy worlds in the sky.  At each world's landing point, or at it's end, you will find a ROCK with a sign for you to TP back to the gates on the ground.  If you prefer to cheat, clicking the red sign will give you a notecard containing landmarks to all worlds.  New worlds may be added over time ;)  I have featured the photography/art of CybeleMoon throughout the worlds as they are a world of their own - just mesmerizing! And keep in touch with visits, events and her own photos through AmandaMagick on her blog of The Gates of Oria! (Link at landing point)  Thank you for visiting and adding meaning to these worlds and I hope you find "that place!" ~ Tah

Quietly Opens Sept 2
Events forthcoming!


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