Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Cube Project

A good exercise I used to do in art school was to reduce my painting palette to a mere three colours. For example just using Burnt Sienna, Naples yellow and Cadmium Red to create a portrait. When you do this you are forced to understand the range and properties of the colours you are using. The best way for me to understand individual colours was by having to stretch out and learn their capabilities rather than fill up my palette with as many colours as possible. When you use a million colours you really know nothing about any of them. The Cube Project was a virtual version of this principle. We turned away for a moment from the wonderful range of mesh or Photoshop textures to work instead on simple minimal compositions in black and white, over 20 regions. The overall idea was to create a massive harmonious environment rather than follow the standard exhibition practice of each artist having a clearly defined separate space to exhibit. And we had do this in a mere four days. It was a great success and we would like to thank the artists for their hard work and dedication. The Cube Project was a collaborative artwork consisting of virtual artists Bryn Oh, Cajska Carlsson, Charlotte Bartlett, Dancoyote Antonelli, Giovanna Cerise, Haveit Neox, Kicca Igaly, L1Aura Loire, London Junkers, Maya Paris, Misprint Thursday, Nessuno Myoo, Oberon Onmura, PatriciaAnne Daviau, Pol Jarvinen, Rag Randt, Rowan Derryth, Sea Mizin, Secret Rage, Solkide Auer, Remington Aries, Solo Mornington, Tony Resident, Werner Kurosawa and Xineohp Guisse. The above machinima is by Marx Catteneo.


  1. I would personally like to thank myself, Pixels Sideways, for my hard work and dedication to the project in which the nearly 10,000 prims I used on at least 1/2 of a sim were obviously overlooked. I should have stuck with my original plan to use 10,000 100m megas. :-p

    I would also like thank all all the other artists for their hard work and dedication to the Cube Project whose names were also excluded from the official LEA site and other blogs and press.

    In the future, may I suggest checking the BUILD PERMS via the GROUP CREATED FOR A PROJECT LIKE THIS ONE for the names of all the peeps who participate in LEA sponsored projects. Thank you. :)

  2. LOL - Thanks Solo. :-) As for myself, I'm not a credit ho but I did want to make a point especially for those artists who may have been participating in a group project for the first time and were wondering why their names were not included.
