Sunday, June 16, 2019

LEA4 - Prims in Music - Aloisio Congrejo

DATE: June 17th, 2019
TIME: 12:30 PM SLT
ARTIST: Aloisio Congrejo & Moki Yuitza
La sinestesia musicale e il problema del rapporto suono-colore fu dunque un filo conduttore tra molti artisti ...... ma sicuramente con le sue opere e con le sue esperienze di vita Kandinsky, ne rappresenta la concettualizzazione piĆ¹ fine ed elaborata.

The musical synesthesia and the problem of the relationship sound-color was therefore a common thread between many artists ... but surely with his works and his experiences of life, Kandinsky represents the most refined and elaborate conceptualization.

Arianna Cedrone


In order to see the installation properly, please set the WL "Bryn Oh's BOX MetaLES" and high/ultra graphic settings with ALM and projectors active.

Plus, activate sounds and PUMP UP THE VOLUME!!!

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