Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Konnected Piano - by Marx Catteneo

Konnected Piano
an installation by Marx Catteneo.
OPENS Saturday Dec 15th, 2012 NOON SLT


In April JoJa Dhara and Marx Catteneo were making plans for MetaMeets to be held in summer/autumn in Den Bosch, The Netherlands. MetaMeets contacted the local Digital Workshop and found an enthusiastic partner in them. DW already had planned the exposition Nerdlab for november/december so we decided to move our MetaMeets event to those dates. We also decided to make a workgroup Kinect in order to make an art project based on Second Life and Kinect input. 

People in this group were Martijn Verhallen (Curator of Nerdlab), Philippe Moroux (Artistide Despres) and Marc Cuppens (Marx Catteneo). As time passed there were difficulties in meeting to collaborate on this project, so Marx followed through on the project with his first idea since the group started: Konnected Piano.

Konnected Piano is an installation almost as big as a Second Life sim, where an avatar can be controlled using RL Kinect hardware hooked up to a custom viewer (an adaption of Armadillo by John McCaffery - Open Virtual Worlds). By moving his/her RL arms, a real person can make the avatar fly through the installation, and every "string" that is touched in the flight will make a piano sound.  92 sampled piano keys were uploaded for these sounds. 

The installation was exhibited in real life at Nerdlab Den Bosch from 23-11-2012 to 2-12-2012.


Opening Saturday 15th noon SLT until New Years Day,  the installation Konnected Piano will be made public at LEA18.  Vehicles can be flown with any viewer and without the Kinect hardware, through the installation to trigger the sounds.  A good graphics card is recommended and please pay attention to the optimal viewer settings written on the platform.  If anyone should get a bad framerate (stuttering or choppy view) drop the shadows first, then try reducing draw distance.

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